How does yoga “work?” For those skeptical of the woo…

A man asked me recently, "How does all this work? I'm not into the woo, don't believe in it really. But, I've heard of yoga, tell me how it [yoga therapy] works."

He's not the only one and I don't fault him for the question.

I'll be honest, though...

It is hard to see and know that we - as a collective - have forgotten and been taught to not trust something as ubiquitous as ENERGY.

With a deep breath, I shared something like the following...

Well yes, what we're doing is movement and breathing techniques and meditation, and yes there are now many studies to prove the benefits of all of the above in the physical and mental/emotional bodies.​

​But, we're also working with the smaller than small. We're working in the quantum field, which is proven to be of existence by modern physics (and that regularly stumps physics majors like my husband).​

The quantum field is one that we cannot see, but know is there. It's the space that fills the synapses of the brain (really), which is how practices that work with the physical, emotional, ENERGETIC, and spiritual can help alter neuropathways.

It's the field that shows us our heart has frequencies that extend approximately six feet around our bodies.

It's why studies have shown that when one individual meditates, it's proven to affect the positive energies surrounding that individual, spreading to others - search for the Maharishi effect.

We are all walking balls of matter, energy made dense. Why wouldn't we tend to all of who we are rather than solely what we've been taught to believe we are?​

This is important because it - finally - disrupts the woo mentality and accusation that it's woo and maybe not completely evidence based and so is not to be trusted.

Preposterous! But damn good marketing by corporatocracy.

The Yoga Sutras say that you do NOT need to read something in a book or see it on the news or be taught it to know truth.

That comes from within. That's mighty, and yet that ability to be your own truth antenna has to be cultivated with dedicated practice.

Yoga is that technology to connect us with an innate inner knowing and an omnipresent divinity.

That's where ALL healing has to happen.​

Healing cannot happen without trust in one's Self and true trust in another to guide you (not fix or cure you because that does not exist).

And, while now we have thousands of studies to share with the masses that yoga WORKS to heal injuries, ease pain, reverse chronic conditions, drastically improve mental health and so on... there's still a mystery to the intelligence that is the practice of yoga. We honor that intelligence as we honor God/Goddess, in whatever form that takes for you.

That's it. That's how it works. 🔥

Jai Ma.​
With love,


What’s a well rested woman


For when you need clarity: Working with Vijnanamaya Kosha