A little about me.

Hi there! I’m Leanne, and…

My family is not separate from my life and inspires my work. This is us.

My family is not separate from my life and inspires my work. This is us (minus baby Uma). We live and play in the Ocean State of Rhode Island.

I’ve always felt like an odd bird. My work has never been able to be placed neatly in a box. I’m a multi-passionate, a multi-hyphenate.

I’ve been the new kid in school plenty of times. I asked “too many” questions growing up, said weird things. So, I continued my deep dive into the the study of dance, a place that welcomed my weird and allowed me to channel it into art.

Growing up this way allowed me to witness the world from multiple perspectives, and always with compassion and curiosity.

This led me to perform and teach dance all over the U.S. for years. It led me to be the first in my family to graduate with a B.A. and an M.A., studying writing, education, human development, and Spanish culture abroad. It led me to thousands of hours of yoga and yoga therapy study, specifically for women’s health.

I love taking the elements of creativity born from movement and the visual arts and parlaying it into artful storytelling with the written word. I adore infusing the ancient wisdoms into practical content creation that elevates consciousness, while growing businesses and organizations.

I’ve worked to support businesses, non-profits, foundations, and founded my own businesses. First a brick and mortar yoga center, and later an online consulting business. I’ve assisted hundreds on the journey of redefining how they do life and work, and supported their revenue goals (thousands upon thousands of $$) along the way.

I believe in the magic of storytelling through words and also with the human body. The thread through these experiences is a deep honoring of ancient wisdom and teachings that show up in the practical ways we do life, create, and build.

I’m excited to meet your “weird.” To see how you move in the world, define your needs, and learn how you think. I’d love to support your work in the world through my creative services. Or maybe I’ll see you in my Afterglow Perinatal Yoga Training.


The credentials:

  • Manifesting Generator (Human Design)

  • Cancer Sun, Sag Rising, Gemini Moon

  • Gemini Sun, Sag Rising (Vedic)

  • Strategic, Ideation, Woo, Individualization, Responsibility

  • ENFJ


Thank you to my teachers:

I am grateful to the many teachers who have nurtured the spaces for my learning and growth in yoga and yoga therapy, Ayurveda, Tantra, meditation, and birthwork. A special thanks to Chinnamasta Stiles, the faculty of Inner Peace Yoga Therapy, Rachel Wilson, Lorenza Holt, Chandresh Bhardwaj.

Thank you to my family who are perhaps the greatest teachers of all - my partner, my children, my mother and father. Thank you to Mother Mary, to Mary Magdalene, to Jesus, to Buddha, to the many archetypes of the Deva and Devi. Your teachings have greatly affected how I pursue this work.


Leanne is, at her core, a person of warmth and inclusion. She's infinitely curious about the human body and how to support the human experience through each of her services.

Her nurturing spirit naturally fosters a sense of vibrancy and community whether that's online or in person. Leanne intimately knows of the challenges within the perinatal space as a result of her own fertility, pregnancy and postpartum journeys, and has a soft spot for supporting women and businesses that nurture family life.

She has also served many philanthropic organizations and foundations as a staff professional and through volunteer work.

Education + Certifications:

M.A. Education + Human Development,
George Washington University
B.A. Media + Professional Communication,
University of Pittsburgh

Registered Prenatal & Postnatal Yoga Teacher (R-PYT)
Educator - Registered Yoga Teacher (E-RYT 500)
Yoga Therapy Practitioner (C-IAYT training)
Certified Birth Doula (BACE)

Infant + Child Sleep Specialist
Kids Yoga Certified
Yoga School Founder

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    “Stories come from within you. Stories are the soul, human emotions, grappling with what life means for each and every one of us. The more people out there successfully creating…stories, the greater understanding we will have of one another.”

    - Jamie Beck, Photographer and Author