Is “postpartum” a diagnosis? Hint: NO.

Not too long ago, I came across a well-known psychologist who specializes in matrescence. She was giving a talk about the postpartum period and how to heal. 

We need to have these conversations more often. I was excited to listen in, especially as I’ll be experiencing the postpartum phases all over again soon.

But, my jaw dropped when she said that “postpartum” in itself IS a mental health diagnosis. Note: Not all clinicians feel the same way as this psychologist (she just has a lot of followers!). 

That statement is simply not true

It minimizes what the postpartum time truly is and disregards why mothers feel the way they do during a time rife with so much change and transformation. And from a Vedic lens, perhaps postpartum is something we can look forward to.

So what is postpartum really?

Postpartum IS the time after birth. It is a time of physical and emotional healing and reorientation to life

Postpartum goes beyond six or eight weeks after childbirth. It’s years.

There are several phases, including Immediate Postpartum, Primary Postpartum, Secondary Postpartum…and truly the rest of your life.

Further, from an Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine lens, the early postpartum days are a time to recalibrate the system, allowing the body-mind-spirit continuum to heal in radical ways from the past and well into the future.

Imagine that? That the postpartum time influences well-being for all the years to come…and in a wonderful way!

THIS is why I created the Afterglow Perinatal Yoga Training. To spread more truth and awareness. 

Because it's time that the perinatal period and early motherhood become synonymous with healing, inner wisdom, embarking on a new life, embracing a new identity, and trusting that integration.

This is contrary to fertility, pregnancy, birth, and postpartum societally becoming synonymous with hardship, struggle, anxiety, depression, isolation, and overwhelm. Is it hard at times? YES. Of course. I struggle, too. And, it’s so much more.

We’re returning to ancient ways and traditions that support the well-being of women, mothers and children. When mothers thrive, children thrive. When children thrive, humanity thrives.

So, who is Afterglow for then? 

  • It’s for anyone who feels called to support the well-being of mothers and children. 

  • It’s for the mothers and mothers-to-be. 

  • It’s for the yoga teachers, yoga therapists, and physical therapists. 

  • It’s for mental health therapists. 

  • It’s for the birthworkers, doulas, midwives, nurses, and doctors. 

  • It’s for the aunties. It’s for the grandmothers.

  • It’s for anyone who wants to incorporate the yogic and Ayurvedic teachings in their lives and/or professional practice.

You can read more about the specifics of who Afterglow is for here, and also enroll today. 

Payment plans are available. When you enroll this week, you’ll receive $300 off, as well as a waived certification fee to become a Perinatal Yoga Provider who is also listed on our website. This offer is open until April 20, 2024.

We start in September 2024. Please send me your questions this week. I would love to continue the conversation with you. 

Jai Ma.
Sending Navaratri blessings and much love,

P.S. Our third baby is due soon, so my world is also filled with prenatal visits, bodywork, caring for my family, and the regular demands of professional life. Please know I may not respond to your message immediately, but that it matters to me. 

After April 22, 2024, I will be heading offline, so please do try and send me a message with questions this week about Afterglow. And, please know that registration will be open until September; it’s just the Early Bird rates that are time sensitive. <3


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