You are allowed to reinvent yourself.
Hey there,
My birthday has recently come and gone. This year, it fell on the full moon. Full moons are about letting go, releasing, making space. Birthdays for me are a time to go further inwards, reflect, scrub away those parts that aren’t working anymore.
Here’s what I heard loud and clear this year:
You are allowed to reinvent yourself. I am allowed to reinvent myself.
Reinvention: to invent again, anew; to remake or make over in different form; to bring back; to revive
Dharma, our life’s purpose or life’s work (what most of us question regularly - i.e. Why am I here??), has nothing to do with occupations or job titles. It has nothing to do with material gain. It has everything to do with our body of work/service in the moment and it contains many of the same threads that weave through the fabric of our lives. Dharma is meant to evolve with us, but its roots are the same.
As our dharmas take new forms, our desires, values, and definitions of success do, too. That is, if we allow them to. If we stop fighting the flow of our lives and surrender to the whispers of our hearts, souls, and bodies. Yes?
What I notice most frequently in my work (and my work has changed…more on that in a moment), is that most of us cannot say with clarity and specificity what it is that we desire. It’s not enough to say, “Health. Wealth. Love. Calm.” No. What does that mean for you? What does that feel like? What does it look like? What is health? What is wealth? What is peace? What is a healthy relationship? What is a career you love? And, what is NOT working?
How do we arrive here? How do we honor and claim our desires, and stop thinking that we’re not worthy of them? How do we slow down our crazed lives enough to listen with the full body and heart, rather than letting the egoic mind direct the show?
Your body and heart are likely craving for you to pay more attention. Those chronic aches + pains, unsettled minds, racing hearts, exhaustion filled days, and too full lifestyles are signals to listen more deeply inwards, to allow for your own reinvention.
For me, the truth is, I don’t really resonate with the sole title of “yoga teacher” anymore. It feels limiting and restricting. What I do is so much more than “yoga asana” - many of you know this - and it’s time I allow for my own dharma and step into the role of mentor fully.
Because, what I witness daily is that you don’t need more knowledge right now. More professional development. More courses. More articles on time management and productivity. More trainings. No. You’re not doing life wrong, because you can’t cram it all in or figure it out or “manage” your anxiety. Instead, you need to do life differently and on the terms for what your personal needs and values are. But, can you define them?
What we all need to learn how to do is take these yogic and Ayurvedic tools and learn to embody them everyday, to live in a way that is easeful and fulfilling and creative and joy-filled. We need a deep awareness and appreciation for the body, an honoring of the feminine energies of flow and nurturance, and nature’s laws to inform the ways we do life, business, relationships, work. What would happen if we showed up in this state? Change on a massive level.
There’s a reason women’s health dis-eases (and men’s, too) are still increasing even with all the advances in modern medicine (think breast dis-ease, anxiety, debilitating stress, menstrual disorders, infertility, menopause transitions, heart dis-ease, cancer, traumatic births, postpartum depression). We are missing vital components to actually live a life in harmony with our dharma:
An awareness of the different layers of our physical, mental, and energetic bodies - known as the Koshas
An awareness and allowance of how nature’s elements work for us and through us - the 5 elements of Ayurveda (earth, water, fire, air, ether), known as the Pancha Maha Bhutas
A balance of the masculine and feminine energies that run through each of us (regardless of gender) - our society runs on the masculine and honestly how’s that working for you?
An understanding of our bodies beyond the physical with an appreciation for the Chakra system
Allowing for the interplay of art and self-expression within our daily routines and rituals
The call is strong for me now to take you deeper into all of the above. And, so the Living Lush 6-Week Mentorship is open for pre-sale, starting now until July 15, 2021 at midnight. You can take five minutes to apply and schedule a Clarity Call to see if this the right fit for you here. You must apply. No exceptions. If you feel in your bones that this is calling you (like a full body YES), schedule a call here for one of the three days I’m offering them during the pre-sale. I’ll go over the framework and answer all of your questions. During this time, you’ll receive $300 off the mentorship (ending July 15).
Let me be clear. This is not a course. It’s not a teacher training. It’s not for anybody who wants a quick fix or the cheapest option to transformation. Those don’t work anyways. This is a mentorship, where we’ll meet frequently over six weeks to establish connection and belonging with like-minded souls. It’s for those who are tired of reading all the self-help books and articles, doing all the yoga, and still not finding the lasting change they seek. It’s for those who are committed to investing in themselves, making the time to practice and do the exercises each week, and who are ready to do life differently by clearly defining their desires that arise from the body. This is a time to let your body and heart lead, not your mind.
You get to write your story. You get to re-write it.
You are allowed to reinvent yourself. It is time. I am allowed to reinvent myself. It is time.
With love,
P.S. Our Clarity Call will be 20-30 minutes in length. This is a time to connect with eachother, learn more about your needs, and to see if Living Lush is a fit for you at this time. I’ll share all the details of how the program is structured here. I will not be mentoring on the call, nor will I ever pressure you to make a decision in the moment. Your body will tell you, your heart will guide you. I’ll have my cup of tea ready to receive our time together. <3 Talk to you then. Apply and Schedule your Clarity Call here. The Pre-Sale is open until Thursday, July 15, 2021 (where you’ll get $300 off).